
Maintenance of archive and library holdings

Different forms of superficial soiling are typical side effects of archives and libraries. Since dust deposits on surfaces represent an ideal breeding ground for mold spores, corresponding microbial contamination can be activated in the event of fluctuations in temperature and humidity. For this reason, the degree of soiling of collections should be determined on a regular basis and targeted inventory cleaning should be carried out. If microbially contaminated stock groups are found, contaminated documents should be separated from unaffected documents. In addition, contact between archive staff and users with microbially contaminated stocks should be avoided, as this can lead to health or allergic reactions.

The cleaning
takes place dry with object-friendly materials such as latex sponges made of 100% natural latex, soft brushes and paint brushes and HEPA teats with goat hair attachments under clean workbenches. It goes without saying that we adhere to the requirements of TRBA 240 "Protective measures when working with microbially contaminated archive material" during the entire cleaning process.

In special cases, such as objects that are very badly damaged by mold, we offer low-dose gamma irradiation before dry cleaning. The mold spores are sterilized and further mold growth is prevented under optimal storage conditions.

For a very good and quick quality assessment 
With regard to or in the course of cleaning processes on soiled or mold-damaged objects, we offer a fast and area-defined control method using the ATP / AMP measurement with the luminometer.
This measurement is based on bioluminescence, which occurs during the enzymatic breakdown of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and adenosine monophosphate (AMT).
ATP and AMP are molecules that occur in all living things, a reaction of these molecules is called bioluminescence and emits light that is invisible to the eye and is measured in the luminometer. You get a numerical value in RLU (= Relative Light Units).
The greater the degree of pollution, the higher the RLU value.

IPM (Integrated Pest Management):
Integrated pest control (IPM) is a holistic strategy to protect cultural assets from pests such as insects, rodents and microorganisms.
We use an effective IPM in our company so that your objects are protected from pests:

Preventive measures:
- We guarantee a stable indoor climate
- Check incoming customer material (objects, boxes, packaging) for pest infestation

Recognize pest infestation:
- through regular monitoring (monthly): visual inspection or setting up traps,
- Document the results of the monitoring

Action on confirmation of a pest infestation:
- Isolation of the objects to prevent further spread of the pest infestation
- detailed documentation of the type of infestation
- Development of an action plan for the further procedure
- Implementation of the action plan

Let us advise you!
